Composer, pianist, writer

Discover the Top 5

of my most synchronized compositions currently, in cinema, TV, Internet and DVD
in the five countries the most receptive to my music - outside France:

United States, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, Spain
  1. La marche du coqDLMéditions
  2. HorizontalFLE/DLMéditions
  3. Easy UneasyFLE/DLMéditions
  4. Etudes Africaines (à la kora)FLE/DLMéditions
  5. BorealisFLE Drone Music

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Free download

An excerpt of La Petite danseuse de Degas, symphonic ballet created in 2003 at the Opera of Paris and revived in 2005 and 2010.

Truly yours

Denis Levaillant

Enter your name and your email address to receive the link to download the free extract of La Petite danseuse.

Blue Songs

FRANCE INFO TV - Michel Mompontet
It's a true masterpiece, a treasure. Honestly, it's an album that absolutely bowled me over. Denis Levaillant—the general public doesn't necessarily know who he is, but I can assure you that all musicians know very well that he is an essential master.

LE MONDE - Francis Marmande
This is an unclassifiable and impressive album by an avant-garde French pianist. It is the quintessence of his impressive conception of music as a soloist. Caution! Avant-garde for the general public. Disconcerting simplicity. Surprising pleasure.

© 2017 Denis Levaillant - Contact: Tom Guillouard